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Showing 1–16 of 45 results
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Intergrated Lumber Support
Made To Order 3-4 Weeks
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Front & Second Row Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: PS025COPRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 628.00Call Now Call 07 5594 6664 for more information.SEE MORE
Pajero NS/NT/NW 5 door GL/GLX/GLS/VRX/Exceed
Complete front and second row seat set (MTO) - (PS02 + PP05)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Made To Order 3-4 Weeks
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Front & Second Row Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: PP015COPRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 860.00Call Now Call 07 5594 6664 for more information.SEE MORE
Pajero NS/NT/NW 5 door GL/GLX/GLS/VRX/Exceed
Complete front and second row seat set with airbags (MTO) - (PP10 + PP05)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Made To Order 3-4 Weeks
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Front & Second Row Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: PP025COPRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 628.00Call Now Call 07 5594 6664 for more information.SEE MORE
Pajero NP 5 door GL/GLX/GLS/VRX/Exceed
Complete front and second row seat set (MTO) - (PP02 + PP05)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Made To Order 3-4 Weeks
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Front & Second Row Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: PM028COPRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 628.00Call Now Call 07 5594 6664 for more information.SEE MORE
Pajero NM 5 door GL/GLX/GLS/VRX/Exceed
Complete front and second row seat set (MTO) - (PM02 + PM08)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Made To Order 3-4 Weeks
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Front Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: PS02PRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 331.00Call Now Call 07 5594 6664 for more information.SEE MORE
Pajero NS/NT/NW 5 door GL/GLX/GLS/VRX/Exceed
Front twin bucket seats (MTO)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Intergrated Lumber Support
Made To Order 3-4 Weeks
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Front Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: PP02PRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 331.00Call Now Call 07 5594 6664 for more information.SEE MORE
Pajero NP 5 door GL/GLX/GLS/VRX/Exceed
Front twin bucket with no airbag seats, only model (MTO)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Intergrated Lumber Support
Made To Order 3-4 Weeks
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Front Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: PM02PRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 331.00Call Now Call 07 5594 6664 for more information.SEE MORE
Pajero NM 5 door GL/GLX/GLS/VRX/Exceed
Front twin bucket with no airbag seats, only model (MTO)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Made To Order 3-4 Weeks
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Second Row Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: PM08PRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 331.00Call Now Call 07 5594 6664 for more information.SEE MORE
Pajero NM 5 door GL/GLX/GLS/VRX/Exceed
Second row 60/40 split with armrest and shoulder covers (MTO)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Made To Order 3-4 Weeks
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Second Row Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: PP05PRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 315.00Call Now Call 07 5594 6664 for more information.SEE MORE
Pajero NP 01/03-08/06 + Pajero NS/NT/NW 09/06-12/14
Pajero NP 5 door GL/GLX/GLS/VRX/Exceed + Pajero NS/NT/NW 5 door GL/ GLX/GLS/VRX/Exceed
Second row 60/40 split with armrest and shoulder covers (MTO)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Intergrated Lumber Support
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Sport & Triton Front Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: MPS01PRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 509.00Add to cartSEE MORE
Pajero Sport 10/15-06/18 + Triton 11/18-02/24
Pajero Sport GLX/GLS (10/15-06/18) + Triton (11/18-02/24) MR GLX/GLS Dual Cab
Front twin bucket seats with driver knob adjuster on seat base only and integrated lumbar support
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Intergrated Lumber Support
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Sport and Triton Front Covers
PRODUCT CODE: MPS03PRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 509.00Add to cartSEE MORE
Pajero Sport 10/15-06/18 + Triton 11/18-02/24
Pajero Sport (10/15-06/18) Exceed + Triton (11/18-02/24) MR GLS Premium Dual Cab
Front twin D&P electrics and leather bucket seats with integrated lumbar support
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Intergrated Lumber Support
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Sport Front & Second Row Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: MPS0406COPRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 920.00Add to cartSEE MORE
Pajero Sport Exceed/GLS
Complete front and second row seat set - (MPS04 + MPS06)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Intergrated Lumber Support
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Sport Front & Second Row Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: MPS0506COPRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 920.00Add to cartSEE MORE
Pajero Sport GLX
Complete front and second row seat set - (MPS05 + MPS06)
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Intergrated Lumber Support
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Sport Front Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: MPS04PRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 509.00Add to cartSEE MORE
Pajero Sport Exceed/GLS
Front twin bucket D&P Electrics and leather, airbag seats with console cover and integrated lumbar support
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Intergrated Lumber Support
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Sport Front Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: MPS05PRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 509.00Add to cartSEE MORE
Pajero Sport GLX
Front twin bucket airbag seats with height adjuster knob on drivers side only on base only, lever to tilt seat back, console cover and integrated lumbar support
ADR Certified
Airbag Compliant
Tight Fit
Water Dirt Kid Proof
Lifetime Guarantee
Pajero Sport Second Row Seat Covers
PRODUCT CODE: MPS06PRODUCT TYPE: Canvas Seat coversAUD$ 459.00Add to cartSEE MORE
Pajero Sport Exceed/GLS/GLX
2nd row 40/60, centre armrest and 3 headrests